sports day!
thank god i didn't drop Afifa during Trophy stand.
because i totally did during practise.
st. cat was good too, but they dropped their flyer.
Our mascot was the garbage monster, by Pamela.
haha. and we won the cheerleading competition. (:
i sprained my ankle and couldn't run for 100x4m race.):
but vanessa replaced me.Thanks!
Meet the Spartanswas ROFL.
The film opens with a Spartan elder inspecting a Shrek-ish baby,which is then punted of the hill. and if the baby is Vietnamese,Brad Pitt and Angelina will adopt it.haha!and a baby was born with six-packs,so he became the king.he was trained to survive in the wild, casted out to survive the harsh winter,but finds a subway sandwhich and battles the happy feet penguin.There was this "Pit of Death", where the king kicks people he doesn't like in.People like britney spears were kicked in. Then the America idol judges appeared and criticized they way he kicks. In the pit they went anyway.There was ugly betty too, saying famous phrases like "save the cheerleader, save the world" from heros.The king wanted to go to war so he went to meet the soldiers, only to find 13 (not 300)warriors.They battled the enemy by dancing, step up style.Transformers were in the battle too.In the end, the only surviving blind warrior leads an army of 100 spatans but leads them to Malibu instead, crashing into Lindsay Lohan who was coming out of rehab.
The show was so funny!